The People's Procuratorate of Jilin High-tech Zone launched a publicity campaign for the Anti-Organized Crime Law

来源:   时间: 2024-07-15 08:06
  In order to continue to promote the regular special struggle against crime and further enhance the awareness and ability of the people to prevent crime, on July 5, the People's Procuratorate of the High-tech Zone organized a publicity campaign for the Anti-Organized Crime Law。
  Event in progress,The police of the People's Procuratorate of High-tech Zone came to Jiangbin Park to issue publicity brochures and on-site interpretation,The relevant contents of the Anti-Organized Crime Law were popularized to the passers-by,And guide the people to consciously resist and guard against the infringement of organized crimes,Call on the broad masses of people to have the courage to expose the criminal clues of the evil forces,At the same time, questions raised by the masses about organized crime were answered。A total of more than 150 copies of publicity materials were distributed in this activity, which enhanced the legal awareness of the broad masses, improved the sensitivity of the masses to clues involving "black" and "evil" crimes, and created a good atmosphere of rule of law for maintaining social stability and people's safety。
  The People's Procuratorate of the High-tech Zone will base on the procuratorial function, fully perform its duties, continue to strengthen the publicity and implementation of the Anti-Organized Crime Law, continue to consolidate the achievements of the special fight against crime, severely crack down on organized crime according to law, and contribute procuratorial force to the construction of a clean and upright legal environment。(Tan Xuezhu Zhonghui, People's Procuratorate of High-tech Zone)